Recent Voisses in Marriage & Weddings

What are the arguments for marriage compared to co-habitation?Cohabitation is becoming a popular practice in today's society. In 2018, the American Census Bureau reported that within a decade, and for adults ...
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by Halima First Child
(735 Kudos)
Voissed in Marriage & Weddings Apr 27, 2021
What's a reason that made you call off an official engagement?An engagement is special because it's a significant step forward in a relationship. It means some time had passed within which a couple had gotten ...
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by anonymous
Voissed in Marriage & Weddings Apr 1, 2021
Are there acceptable reasons for a man to hide (on social media) that he is married with a family?My husband works in the movie/entertainment industry and thus is quite active on social media. We've been married for 6 years, but he's never ...
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by anonymous
Voissed in Marriage & Weddings Mar 30, 2021
For marriage, what do men want in a woman?This is not about abstract, ambiguous qualities. What specific, measurable and tangible qualities do men generally desire in the woman they would ...
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2 Replies 886 views
by Voisser Head of the Family
(1,060 Kudos)
Voissed in Marriage & Weddings Mar 15, 2021
Are there advantages to couples keeping separate bedrooms?Are there  couples here who do this? How and why did you make this decision, and how has the experience been? ...
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0 Replies 356 views
by Voisser Head of the Family
(1,060 Kudos)
Voissed in Marriage & Weddings Mar 15, 2021
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