Would you be comfortable signing a (prenup) prenuptial agreement?

by Head of the Family
(1,030 Kudos)
in Marriage & Weddings

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Notable Reply
by First Child
(735 Kudos)

A Prenuptial Agreement Protects All of Us

Marriage is known for love. Although people don't make this conclusion, marriage is also known for its securtity and safety. When I come accross news of divorces gone sour, one of the strange things I do is also search for the couple's wedding photographs... It bothers me a lot that in such images, those two people who can't stand a sight of each other anymore, once couldn't do without seeing each other.

Life is unpredictable and everytime I think of that high school bestfriend I swore I'll never be apart from or that boyfriend I imagined I could be married to by now and our sour endings, I think that a prenuptial agreement is necessary in a marriage. It is as much of protecting my partner from who I can become if things fall apart and vice versa. It is also for protecting our children if we have any.

The best part of such agreements is that we can customize it to how we desire. Love is good marital insurance but I think its lack of measure often puts couples in trouble when it is no longer present. Some people will say that a prenuptial agreement sets a marriage up for failure and divorce but my response is this:

  • There are people without prenuptial agreement who still divorced anyways.
  • At least with a prenuptial agreement, I know the divorce will be a cleaner process that allows us to respect each other even without love present.


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