Is it impolite to request for cash gifts instead of presents from my wedding guests?

by Head of the Family
(1,060 Kudos)
in Marriage & Weddings

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Notable Reply
by First Child
(735 Kudos)

In my dictionary, this is the definition of polite!

I dislike shopping for gifts because then I have to worry if the person likes them or not; or if the gift is too cheap or expensive for the occasion. I equally hate receiving gifts that I have no use of. It has become a common practice in my family to give each other money during celebratory occasions like birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc. We put the money together and transfer it to the celebrant's accounts to decide what they want to do with it.

Now, if gifting money comes off too impolite, consider having a wedding registry and putting a strict note on the wedding invitation saying physical presents will not be accepted. Ps. the pandemic gives you a good excuse, lol!  A wedding registry allows people to know exactly what you want that they can buy for you. Remember to put items of different price ranges so people can purchase what they can afford!


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