In my past life, I would have said no... but now, I'll be the one person hiding my relationship, lol!
When I was much younger, I hoped that whoever I'll be in a relationship with will "flaunt me or us to the world" as much as I would want to. But the older I get, the less I desire that either I or whoever I'll be in a relationship with would publicize it on social media. I wonder if I have this mentality because I am still in my "dating stage" compared to marriage, where for many people, it is like "together forever, till death do us part."
I am at that early twenties and experiencing a lot of transitioning, whereby I am losing friends and other relationships as fast as I am gaining them. It is exhausting to be deleting anyone's pictures off social media or from my photo gallery after we part ways. So, I hardly even take pictures with peers or romantic partners, let alone post them, because first, I just can't deal with the stress or shame of erasing such memories to move on if the necessity arises.
Most importantly, I think relationships are private businesses and contracts with the parties concerned. Often, posting one's relationship gives other people a certain level of entitlement to pass commentary or unsolicited advice; even from family members. Not posting pictures about one's romantic partner removes the entitlement others feel to have opinions about another person's experiences they know only a little about.
Yes, I understand that posting one's partner on social media gives a person some form of validation, ownership, or love. However, I don't think it is necessary for a relationship to thrive or survive. I also understand the suspicions of hiding one's romantic partners.
I think this is acceptable depending on the person's reasons and if they aren't malicious. After all, it is a person and their spouse in the relationship, not the person, their spouse, and their social media followers.