What was it like losing a parent you were really close to?

by Head of the Family
(1,060 Kudos)
in Family & Friends
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by First Child
(735 Kudos)
You need to start telling us some of the experiences you have had o...you will drop some deep questions, then leave it blank. Izz nor fair o. Oh well, losing a parent you were really close to...

It is hard to explain. There are some things that only experience can fully tell. I have lost my dad and second father and the circumstances were different and the pain unique. Pain can be so different even in similar occassions. My second father was killed and the pain was such as I can't begin to explain. One day, he was there, he was travelling to meet us and the next thing, he was in the morgue. I cried like a fool and I know I might have done worse but I saw his body at the morgue, he was smiling. I thought to myself, even this man is smiling so why am I being so worried? It was a rude wake up call. I had to man up and start catering for myself. The years have rolled on themselves and though I miss my major men in my life but without their move, God bless you all..
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