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Everybody has a story to tell…

Voisser provides a community where real people share insightful personal stories, and lived experiences* that others will find useful for navigating marriage, relationships and life in general.

* The portrayal of a person’s experiences and choices, and the insights and lessons learned from these.

What do you do before moving into a new country?

Before making a big decision like moving to a new country, most people spend a lot of time and resources on research. Why? Well, wrong big decisions are nasty, and nobody likes to make them.

Big decision researches are always of two kinds. One is objective, seeking the plain unarguable facts of the matter like, visa requirements, travel costs and a thousand other things.
The other takes a subjective approach. It’s when we speak to family, friends and anyone already living in that country, enquiring about their  ‘lived experiences’ in our potential new country.

Even when we know their circumstances won’t exactly be like ours, we ask anyway, because useful personal insight can be extracted from the experiences of others.

Whether it’s about moving to a new country, changing careers, or starting at a new school, people generally don’t mind sharing their personal stories. They are however cagey, when it’s about family, relationships and life choices. And this is understandable about sensitive issues. Nobody gets eager to announce their vulnerabilities, mistakes and challenges to friends and family who might judge them for it.

Voisser, however provides a safe platform where people can swap these important stories, lessons and experiences comfortably and without judgement.

Building relationships, getting married and raising a family, are big decisions most people desire to make. The more we have honest public conversations and perspectives on these, the more equipped we are to make the right decisions by drawing insights from the experiences of others.

Why is this important? The family is the bedrock unit of any society. Wholesome families and personal relationships scale up to wholesome, productive and happier societies, and these make the world a better place for us all.

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